College Executives
Our team is our most valuable resource here at Calvary. The quality of our team is a critical determinant of student outcomes. Calvary team are expected to be, and supported to become, the best they can be.
At Calvary we speak about our teachers being “leaders on the learning journey” and so too our Executive Principal and College Directors (College Executive Team) are the leaders of our college.
Our College Executives are passionate about the calling of God on their lives, and see Christian education as an amazing opportunity to impact and invest into the lives of our students.
Our College Executives use their expertise to promote high quality student learning and well being through building strong relationships with students, teachers and parents. This partnership between parents and teachers is critical to our learning and is both modelled and championed by our College Executive Team.
Ultimately, for achieving real improvement in outcomes (nothing is) as important as these three guiding principles:
1. The quality of our education system cannot exceed the quality of its teachers;
2. The only way to improve outcomes is to improve instruction; and
3. Achieving universally high outcomes is only possible by putting in place mechanisms to ensure that schools deliver high-quality instruction to every child.
— How the World’s Best-Performing School Systems Come Out on Top - McKinsey and Company
Pictured Above: Mr Steve Downes - Executive Principal, Mrs Robyn Hair - Deputy Principal: Teaching Learning and Culture, Mr William Doble - Chief Operating Officer, Mrs Wendy Chamberlin - Director of Calvary Early Learning Centre, Mrs Allison Reeves - Director of Primary College, Mr Martin Vucetic - Director of Secondary College.